I've received my Sketchbook! The year 2011 will be an exciting year to keep a record on, as I will be travelling further west than the usual Kuala Lumpur Malaysia! It will be my "first" time on the plane (as clear memory), the last time was almost 10 years ago and the destination was actually KL. (- -")
Basically, I am looking forward to 3 travelling experience this year, study trip to Taipei, Taiwan, 4th Anniversary Trip to Kulai, Malaysia by Train for Horse Riding (it's my first time taking a train to Malaysia) and Egham, London to visit my dear boy as he will be there for studies starting this September!
Now I'm thinking how should I do it. Should I do a watercolour sketches on the stuff and places I've seen on my trip overseas? Or write a fantasy-like travelling story by linking up Taiwan, Kulai and London in a narrative form..? Hmmmm... I'm excited!!