Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I've received my Sketchbook! The year 2011 will be an exciting year to keep a record on, as I will be travelling further west than the usual Kuala Lumpur Malaysia! It will be my "first" time on the plane (as clear memory), the last time was almost 10 years ago and the destination was actually KL. (- -")

Basically, I am looking forward to 3 travelling experience this year, study trip to Taipei, Taiwan, 4th Anniversary Trip to Kulai, Malaysia by Train for Horse Riding (it's my first time taking a train to Malaysia) and Egham, London to visit my dear boy as he will be there for studies starting this September!

Now I'm thinking how should I do it. Should I do a watercolour sketches on the stuff and places I've seen on my trip overseas? Or write a fantasy-like travelling story by linking up Taiwan, Kulai and London in a narrative form..? Hmmmm... I'm excited!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Recently, I've bought my first Moleskin Sketchbook! My best polymate and I decided to give each other a year to fill up this sketchbook and comeback to see what we have in May 2012! That above is my second sketch, inspired from the Shire Horses! Well, I fell in love with these horses when I first saw them! They are huge and handsome with really nice hooves there~ I seriously hope to see the real ones in future.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Recently, I did a portfolio for my internship job application at a photography studio. I read this a few months ago which triggered me to do a portfolio that was different from my past doings..

"I am always shocked when I meet illustrators to review their portfolio by how easy it is to tell the student from seasoned professional (hint: the student has an over sized portfolio with original art and no websites; the pro has a small custom-made book with clean printouts and a functional site)." - How to be an Illustrator

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


"The Fantastical Botanical Garden" is officially handed over to Singapore Botanical Garden today! Above is the updated version of it, text reduced and I hope the short notes help better than the chunky paragraphs that used to be there.

Although, I wouldn't be sure about the after works on when it will be ready for the public and whether it will be up for download, but I am happy about the this exposure. I'm sure there is still many rooms for improvements and will continue to work on it as time passes. The principle in my work is to continue working and every work will move on to another stage along the way! I hope to improve myself further even when I became an old lady in future. May art lives in me forever till my last breathe.

"Stress will always be my enemy and I'm always ready to battle!"
P.S.:I will keep an update when it is officially up for download.